Security Monitoring

Always On Guard with Real-Time Threat Detection

60 Day XDR Proof of Concept

XDR and SOC Services

A customizable and scalable solution, PTP’s SOC Service, or socs security, combines XDR technology via Fluency Security with expert resources, mature processes and automation to deliver a highly-engaged security monitoring and escalation service that also addresses logging and compliance needs.

Identify cybersecurity threats real-time via behavioral analytics,
wherever users go.

PTP’s team of cybersecurity experts plus the Fluency XDR technology offers a complete approach SOC Services approach. We collect network data, including SD-WAN, cloud service data, like Office365 and G-Suite, and endpoint detection and response (EDR). Additionally, Fluency normalizes, error checks, validates, and fuses data. Then it runs behavior analytics and machine learning to find gaps in coverage between signatures and threat intelligence feeds. Finally, automated workflows empower automated and supervised PTP responses improving operations efficiency and dwell time reduction. PTP, our tools and our security process will do the heavy lifting 24x7x365. Leave the dirty work to us and we’ll escalate to you only when issues have been validated.

Fluency Dashboard

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